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Planned reduction of the fort at Cananoor with several changes


Planned reduction of the fort at Cananoor with several changes

Paravicini di Capelli, W.B.E. / Guyard, J.L. / Keller, C.P. / Luepken, C.A.

According to the Leupe catalogue [NA], the original title reads: Plan en Project als voren, met eenige veranderingen, referring to the title of VEL0890: Plan en Project ter reductie van Cananoor, met eenige veranderingen.

This chart has a centre flap which may be folded open. For an opened version, refer to: VEL0891.

Insert: Plan or papiotte of the fort as it was before it was converted to a pointed star.

Draft charts for the existing and newly designed fortifications at Cananoor, by N. Paravicini and N. Guijard, copied by C.P. von Luepken and C.P. Keller.

Key: Plan for the construction of a star fort: A-W; 6-8; Plan of the existing situation: [flap] A-Z.

Notes on reverse: [Blue ODG-label] nr. 11 Plan en Profil van Cananoor, reg. nr. 6, deel 1; folio 28; nr. 49; 230; [Printed label] nr. 501.

Topographical names listed on this chart: Bastioen Zelant, Bastioen Hollant.

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