description description

Map of Knip Bay


Map of Knip Bay

Serz, Christoph Gottlieb Friedrich

Title Leupe: De Beneeden Baay van de Knipp.

In 1776, three small batteries were built in the vicinity of Knip Bay(s). Two were located on the Upper and Lower Bay, and a third higher up on the coast between them. These were each depicted by Engineer Serz on a separate map. Somewhat confusingly, he drew his map of the battery on Lower Bay with a orientation reverse to the other maps in his series. The designation Boschieter Huijs (Gunners’ House), which Serz mentions on the map, refers to the accommodation for the artillerymen.

North is upper right.

Scale-bar of 60 Rhineland Rods = [approximately 1 : 1,430].

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Sources and literature

Heijer, H. den, Grote Atlas van de West-Indische Compagnie = Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch West India Company, II, de nieuwe WIC 1674-1791 = the new WIC 1674-1791 (2012)