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Envoys of admiral Simon de Cordes negotiate with ruler at Cape Lopez (Gabon)


Envoys of admiral Simon de Cordes negotiate with ruler at Cape Lopez (Gabon)

Anoniem / Anonymous / Potgieter, Barent Jansz.

The expedition of the Magellan Company of Rotterdam, that had set sail in June 1598, reached the Cape Verde islands at the end of August. After failing to acquire much supplies, the fleet continued on 15 September to the African coast. On 23 September admiral Jacques Mahu died and was succeeded by his vice-admiral Simon de Cordes. Under his command the ships sailed along the coast of west Africa. Low-running supplies and the onset of severe outbreaks of scurvy among the crew led De Cordes and his council to set course for Annobon and to search for opportunities to land the African coast. On November 3rd November they first reached the lands of the Congo. Their first landing party was lost and another attempt found no fresh food, prompting the ships to continued onwards. Shortly afterwards the lands of equatorial Guinea were reached and further south at Cape Lopez (present-day Gabon) a landing party again found few supplies.

The local people fled inland, possibly believing the Dutch to be slavers. An envoy was sent to the local king to barter for supplies. This did not yield more than a chicken and some bananas, and the crew were forced to feed off what they could find on the coast. For two weeks, the ships stayed off the coast, when a fleet of Barent Eriksz. arrived. Eriksz. was familiar with the local king and his French helmsman helped them to an audience for which De Cordes sent captain Sebald de Weert. Some fruits and livestock were acquired and wild animals shot in the woods, but in early December the expedition continued to search for Annobon.

This image shows the audience of the Dutch with the local king. The king, wearing a hat, sits on a stool and wears a pearl necklace. His notables sit around and behind him, wearing a decorated hat but no clothing. Opposite him we see the Dutch, with the leaders of the negotiating party, probably the French pilot and and De Weert on stools near the king. A man leads a goat to the meeting.

Please contact Rijksmuseum Amsterdam for reuse and copyrights.

Sources and literature

Wieder, F.C., De Reis van Mahu en de Cordes door de Straat van Magalhaes naar Zuid-Amerika en Japan, 1598 - 1600 (3 dln) (1923-1925)