


In 1680 Sunan Amangkurat II established his court at Kartasura. At the time, there was a rivalling court at Pleret, ruled by Prins Puger. Both claimed to be the ruler of Mataram. The VOC backed Amangkurat and helped defeat Puger, after which Kartasura became the undisputed capital of Mataram. The kings who reigned from Kartasura were: Amangkurat II (1677-1703), Amangkurat III, Pakubuwana I (1704-1719) and Amangkurat IV (1719-1727). Pakubuwana II (1727-1729 was the last ruler who lived in the palace of Kartasura. In 1742 the Chinese revolted against the sultan, who fled to Ponogoro in West Java. There he got support from the VOC and adipati Cakraningrat of West-Madura. Kartasura was retaken and the rebellion suppressed, but the craton was demolished and no longer sacred Pakubuwana II decided to build a new palace and capital in the village Sala (Solo, Surakarta). On February 17, 1745, the monarch moved to his new craton.
