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Map of the port on Puerto Rico


Map of the port on Puerto Rico

Gerritsz., Hessel / Vingboons, Johannes

Title Leupe: Porto Rico in platte grondt.

This map from the workshop of Johannes Vingboons was likely based on a map by Hessel Gerritsz dating from c. 1630. Gerritsz produced several maps of the ports on Hispaniola. These show much variation between them, which was likely the result of Gerritsz’ use of charts and descriptions from different ship’s logs. Here the San Juan port as well as the Claas Hendricks Island and the 'Ongelukkig Eiland' (the unfortunate isle') are shown. Leupe reasons that the map was based on the work of Valdelomar, but due to the eighteenth century origin of the latter map this can be falsified.

North is upper left.

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