The redoubt De Vijfhoek (the Pentagon) was one of the forts which were built as decided in the resolution of the High Government of 8 August 1656, in order to protect the Ommelanden against raids by troops of Bantam (Banten). Surveyor Johannes Listing designed the pentagonal stone redoubt, which served as an additional fortification guarding the road between the city of Batavia and the border fort Angke (Nieuwendam). The redoubt stood on the south side of the junction between the Kali Krokot and the Bacherachtsgracht.
De Vijfhoek was renewed but not substantially changed during the rebellion of Bantam (1750-1754). It was demolished in 1811 on order of Governor General Willem Daendels (1808-1811) Today there are no visible remains of the redoubt.