description description

View of Isfahan


View of Isfahan

Anoniem / Anonymous / Meurs, Jacob van

View of Isfahan.


Key: a. Maidan. / b. Alla capi. / c. Aedes Regis. / d. Mestzid Mehedi. / e. Tzil mestzid. / f. Basar. / g. Keleminar. / h. Kaloe, armentarium. / i. Coenobium Augustin. / k. Coenob. Carmetiz. / l. Coenob. Capuzinor / M. Carwansera / n. Diversorium Legatorium ./ o. Hortus Regius tzarbagh / p. Schich Schabrna. / q. Senderut flu..

Dr Olfert Dapper (1636-1689) published a large number of books after 1663. He wrote a history of the city of Amsterdam and furnished the first Dutch translation of Herodotus. But he is known particularly for his many descriptions of foreign lands which he compiled from various sources, without ever seeing the countries he wrote about for himself.

This view of Isfahan is taken from a description of Asia.

The publisher of this volume, Jacob van Meurs, was also an engraver. However it is not certain whether he was the engraver of these prints.

Please contact Koninklijke Bibliotheek for reuse and copyrights.

Sources and literature

Dapper, Olfert, Asia of naukeurige beschrijving van het rijk des Grooten Mogols: en een groot gedeelte van Indiƫn (1672)