description description

Battle at Bantam


Battle at Bantam

Jong, Dirk de

A view of Bantam from the sea, with in the centre a Dutch vessel being attacked by figures wielding bows and arrows from a string of small boats. In the background a coast with palm trees, houses and a mountain is shown.

Slightly right from the centre are two Dutch ships wreathed in smoke.

Please contact Rijksmuseum AmsterdamKoninklijke Bibliotheek for reuse and copyrights.

Sources and literature

Conradi, Petrus en Volkert van der Plaats, Nederlandsche reizen, Tot Bevordering Van Den Koophandel, Na De Meest Afgelegen Gewesten Des Aardkloots: Doormengd met vreemde lotgevallen, en menigvuldige Gevaaren, die de Nederlandsche Reizigers hebben doorgestaan. (1784-1787)