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The expedition of Van Spilbergen stays at the Ladrones


The expedition of Van Spilbergen stays at the Ladrones

While crossing the Pacific Ocean, Joris van Spilbergen’s fleet stopped at the Ladrones islands in January 1616. Today they are the Mariana Islands. The fleet stayed here to collect fresh supplies, which were sorely needed. A number of people had died during the voyage across the Pacific. At the islands the fleet was welcomed, however, and succeeded in bartering for supplies.

The image shows the events at the Ladrones: A. is the Admiral’s ship the Sun. B. is the vice-admiral’s ship the Moon. C. is the Morning Star. D. is the Aeolus of Rotterdam. E. is the Hunter. The people of the island visited the ship in such great numbers in their canoes that the author likens them to a “swarm like bees”. F. is a ship captured by the fleet at South America. G. shows the canoes of the people of the Ladrones. H. are the canoes that were used to sail in the Ladrones. I. depicts the indigenous people of the Ladrones.

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Sources and literature

J.C.M. Warnsinck, De reis om de wereld van Joris van Spilbergen, 1614-1617