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Map of the coast north of Callao and Lima


Map of the coast north of Callao and Lima

Anoniem / Anonymous

The map shows the coast north of Callao and Lima, including the route that the fleet took after departing from Callao on 13 August 1624. An inset shows us a bird’s eye view of a bay behind the Piscadores Islands, where the fleet stayed from 14 to 16 August to take in fresh water. A temporary fortification was erected on shore to protect the men and the water as wells were dug and water was hauled. The wells turned out to yield little water, however, and the fleet left without having been able to sufficiently replenish its water supply.

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Sources and literature

Voorbeijtel Cannenburg, De reis om de wereld van de Nassausche Vloot, 1623-1626