Map of farmlands in the Batavia area, part twenty five
Anoniem / Anonymous
Title in the Leupe catalogue (NA): Zeekere drie perceelen E. Compagnie's land geleegen omtrent 1,5 uur gaans bezuijden deese stadt teegenoover den post Noordwijck behoorendean 's E. Comp. Buijtehospitaal.
The map is part of a collection of 24 charts and is numbered no. 25, top left and in the centre N.25..
The numbers 11, 20, 21 and 26 are missing.
Depicted is a map containing the label de Groote Revier.
Right a compass N,O,Z,W and below a scale Schaal van Tweehonderd Rhijns: Roeden.
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