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Bird's eye view of the island of St Helena


Bird's eye view of the island of St Helena

Nieuhof, Johan

Bird's eye view of the island of St Helena.

Affbeeldinge van 't Eylandt Sant Helena.

Top right a sticker bearing the inscription Museum Bodelianum and an old inventory number, crossed out.

Belonging to this is a drawing by van Nieuhof: De Kerckvalley van ???t eijlant Sant Helena Ao 1658, Bodel Nijenhuis / Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden, inv. nr. COLLBN 002-12-099.

Drawn by Nieuhof in the spring of 1658 when he returned from the East Indies with the homecoming fleet and stayed on the island for several weeks.

Key: Uitlegginge van deze caarte A-W.

Under the key is a Dutch poem, entitled Ode Op de gelegentheyt van van [!] Sant Helena.

In the mountains some hunting figures are depicted.

Please contact Bodel Nijenhuis / Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden for reuse and copyrights.